Bryan G Hall, Josephs Well, Leeds Office


Stuart Wilkins

Director - IEng MICE MCIHT

Stuart Wilkins

Stuart specialises in the transport aspects of land-use planning and has advised a wide cross-section of clients across a broad spectrum of development types. He has a clear understanding of client needs and enjoys working closely with clients to map out project requirements. He has an excellent understanding of the principles of traffic management and engineering gained through the early part of his career when he worked in the transport and engineering division of a local highway authority. Stuart has managed a large number of development planning jobs during his 35 years’ experience. He has wide-ranging transport experience including highway design, traffic engineering and management, transport and land-use planning and road safety. He has undertaken a large number of Transport Assessments, Transport Statements, Access Studies and Travel Plans for all types of development. Throughout his professional career on behalf of industrial, commercial and residential developers, land owners, public bodies, community groups and private individuals Stuart has been involved in highways and traffic related matters connected with development projects and highway improvement schemes, and has, as a consequence of a number of these schemes, been involved in the preparation and presentation of evidence at planning inquiries on numerous occasions.
Stuart completed the Great North Run in 2014, but after an initial flirtation with the idea of running a full marathon in 2015, has now resigned himself to running the odd 5k during the summer months.

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